Safeguarding Policy


Welcome to Care Mastery’s Safeguarding Policy. 

Care Mastery provides Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) skills development and coaching. This is facilitated through groups and one to one; either online, telephone, and face to face at secure approved centres. Two professionals facilitate a group. This service supports vulnerable clients with enduring mental health problems.

For such a service, there is a need to have a number of policies in place, of which this Safeguarding Policy is one, in order to meet our various legal, insurance and other obligations that ensure that clients who attend our meetings are kept safe and are protected from harm or danger, so far as is reasonably possible. 

We take our duties and responsibilities under our policies very seriously, and we encourage all who receive a service with Care Mastery to read, understand, accept and be guided by our policies. All Care Mastery staff hold current enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks.

Mission Statement

Care mastery are committed to providing a safe and caring environment for clients seeking DBT skills development and coaching.

  • Caring
  • Acceptance
  • Rebuilding Mastery
  • Empowerment

Care Mastery professionals are committed to:

  • Safeguarding and protecting clients from harm;
  • Valuing, respecting and listening to clients, and taking their views seriously;
  • Adopting and implementing this Safeguarding Policy with appropriate systems in place to ensure compliance;
  • Having robust procedures in place for responding to and dealing effectively with allegations, complaints, concerns or suspicion of abuse.
  • Safe recruitment, development, supervision of and support for all professionals in positions of trust.
  • Ensuring all such persons are aware of their responsibilities for safeguarding and protecting clients from harm;
  • Maintaining good links and cooperating effectively with the relevant statutory authorities;
  • Reviewing and updating this Safeguarding Policy on a regular basis.

Six Principles of Safeguarding Adults:

  • Empower, support and encourage clients to make their own decisions.
  • Prevent harm by taking action before harm occurs.
  • Be proportionate in responding to risk presented by taking the least restrictive.
  • Be protective.
  • Work in partnership with other agencies.
  • Take Accountability.

Safeguarding Policy

Care Mastery:

  • Acknowledge that our clients can be the victims of injury or harm due to physical, sexual, emotional, and coercive control.
  • Deem it unacceptable for anyone in a position to engage in any conduct or behaviour that might result in any form of abuse or neglect of an adult, or that might result in allowing any sexual, abusive or other exploitative relationship to develop with a client.
  • Have therefore adopted this Safeguarding Policy and the Procedures set out hereunder, in accordance with statutory guidance; 

Commit to on-going safeguarding development for all those in positions of trust, and keep updated DBS checks.

Regular review and updating of this Policy as may be necessary or as advised, in line with changes in statutory guidance.


Abuse: A form of maltreatment of a person may be abused by inflicting harm, or by failing to prevent harm. Government guidance has four main categories of abuse—physical, sexual, emotional and neglect, and recently added coercive control.

Statutory Authorities: The relevant statutory authorities for the purposes of Adult Protection are: (1) Adult’s Social Care (2) the Police.

Statutory Guidance:

    • The Care Act 2014
    • Sexual Offences Act 2003
    • Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
    • Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998


Any person in receipt of such an allegation or complaint, or who has a concern or suspicion of abuse, should do the following:

  • Report the allegation, complaint, concern or suspicion immediately, or as soon as possible, directly to Care Mastery duty person.
  • The role of Care Mastery duty person is to ascertain the precise details of the allegation, complaint, concern or suspicion, collate all the information together and refer the matter on to the Adult’s or children’s Social Care, who will investigate the matter further.


Care mastery is committed to offering the appropriate support and advice, working together with the statutory authorities as necessary, to clients affected by abuse. 


  • Supporting clients, and all those affected by abuse;
  • Nurturing, protecting and safeguarding adults and young people;
  • Communicating the message that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility;
  • Implementing the agreed procedures and all statutory guidelines and specialist advice;
  • Annual review of the Safeguarding Policy.


Anyone with concerns, complaints or have a safeguarding concern, please email

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